How to Enable Two Factor Authentication with pam-u2f

How to Enable Two Factor Authentication with pam-u2f

We live in a world where data is an incredibly valuable currency, and you are always at risk of loss. Because of this, you must do everything you can to ensure what you hold on your desktops and servers is safe. If you are looking to lock down your Linux servers and desktops as tight as possible, you should consider to make use of two-factor authentication. This article explains how to configure two factor authentication using pam_u2f.

How to Make System Logs Append-Only

During an intrusion, an intruder leaves signs of his actions in various system logs. Without reliable logs, it could be very difficult to figure out how the attacker got in, or where the attack came from. This information is crucial in analyzing the incident. It is evident that the logs are a valuable audit trail that should be well protected.

Of course, when an intruder gets in to the system, they will try to remove all traces. So, how can we stop an intruder from removing evidence?