In Alpine Linux 3.11, there is an issue with Varnish Cache: reload operation always fails. In this post, I try to analyze why this happens, and provide a patch that solves the issue.
Alpine 3.11 and Varnish Reload Issue

In Alpine Linux 3.11, there is an issue with Varnish Cache: reload operation always fails. In this post, I try to analyze why this happens, and provide a patch that solves the issue.
When experimenting with Docker Swarm, I decided to set up five more nodes on my local computer. I used Alpine images in the LXC, and tried to use Docker in them. Although docker stared successfully, it was impossible to deploy any services to Alpine nodes, deployment failed with “cgroups: cannot find cgroup mount destination: unknown” error message.
Because I dislike when something that should work, does not work the way I expect it to work, I decided to dig deeper and try to fix the problem.
I needed a small container for experiments to run on my systemd-based machine. LXC and LXD were out of the question. However, systemd has systemd-nspawn tool, which I used to build a container.
The size of the resulting rootfs is around 8.7 MB